Everything I Knew Was Wrong

I borrowed the title of this blog from the preface of Nick Franks book “21st. Century Radionics”, where he states “EVERYTHING YOU KNOW IS WRONG”  which is a pretty powerful statement , but looking back on what I knew, or thought I knew before I jumped down the dowsing/radionics rabbit hole ( it’s a very deep rabbit hole, I haven’t  reached the bottom yet after about ten years” )  and what I know now, the above statement rings true.


I’ll explain what I mean, and I think many other people who have studied radionics, and dowsing can relate. As a child, I attended public schools, where I was taught a bunch of “facts” and “truths” based on a Newtonian concept of the world, where the world and everything in it is a three-dimensional mechanical system. I learned about magnetism, electricity, gravity, atomic energy, sound waves, light waves etc.  I learned that allopathic medicine was the only true, and effective method to consider when you were ill, all of the alternate modes of healing, such as radionics, herbal medicine, light therapy, homeopathy, etc were “quackery”, and not even worth thinking about. I lived in a world where Infinite Intelligence, God, All That Is, (or whatever name you choose to use for this amazing power) that we can tap into and use, either didn’t exist or wasn’t very relevant to the day to day goings on in the world. I also believed that most politicians worked for the greater good of the people. I also believed that big business such as the pharmaceutical companies, the agribusiness was producing things that would make our lives better, and healthier. I also believed smoking, watching five hours of TV a day wouldn’t really hurt you, and if you saw something on the television evening news or read it in the newspaper it had to be true, they wouldn’t put anything on the news or in the paper  that wasn’t “true” would they.

Looking back I will admit I was very naive, but these are the things I was told by my elders, parents, teachers, relatives, surely they wouldn’t tell these things if they weren’t true, in retrospect they weren’t trying to deceive me,  they believed what they said to be true also. Then I saw things, that made me question many things that I believed to be true, such as mainstream medicine’s “cure” for cancer. Fifty years ago if you had cancer, they would dose you with radiation, chemotherapy, or they would perform surgery and cut the cancerous part out of your body. Today if you have cancer they will give you radiation, chemotherapy, or perform surgery. After billions of dollars in research money and countless man-hours spent on research, nothing has really changed. Another example is the government and the medical establishment telling us thirty years ago,  that all fat was bad for you, it will clog your arteries and cause you to have a heart attack, so everyone started eating low-fat, the supermarket shelves were loaded with items that were “Low Fat” or “No Fat”. Thirty years later, we have an epidemic of diabetes and obesity, because when people gave up on eating fats they switched to eating a lot of foods high in carbohydrates, not the medical establishment is saying fats are no longer bad for you (they never were).  Another one is when it came to light that many Catholic priests were charged and convicted of sexually molesting young boys. If you grew up in a Catholic home as I did, you were told that these guys were doing the work of the Lord, and should be given the highest degree of respect. When I found out what many of them had been doing secretly, it made me stop and take a good look at what I believed. I could write about many other examples of why the faith in what I believed was eroding, but I don’t wish to write a novel today, just a blog page.

When I started to see “the light” and realized many of the things I thought were true weren’t even close to being true, while others things, were downright lies. That is when I started searching for answers to my many questions, I knew instinctively there had to be more to the picture than what I was looking at, that’s when I discovered dowsing, radionics, using herbs for healing, etc, I learned about people such as Royal Raymond Rife, Ruth Drown, Rene Cassie, Gaston Naessens, and many other people who were persecuted by the establishment for trying to help humanity.  I learned about this awesome power that is all around and in us which many refer to as God. I learned that everything can’t be pigeon-holed by the establishment. I learned to “think outside of the box”.  I devoured this new found knowledge, like a man dying of thirst in the desert would drink water, and I still am, my thirst hasn’t been quenched yet, and I don’t think it ever will.

Beware, if you jump down that “rabbit hole” as I did, it is very very deep, and once you get down there a ways, you won’t want to come back out. You can’t unknow what you know Once you learn the real truth, you can’t ever go back to your previous way of thinking, the way the masses think.

6 thoughts on “Everything I Knew Was Wrong

  1. Its kind of interesting that the “naivety” of a child, the lovely innocence, leads to think that everybody works for the good of everybody else, as if it should be. What went wrong? A child has a full battery, but also naivety. An adult has a low battery, but a full blown ego, a mind full of delusions, a backpack of bad karma. A child plays with his toys, believing that by rotating the knob on his imaginary device performs something. I used to play with cockpits painted on cardboards. Cockpits of rockets that fly to the moon. I rotated a knob, pushed a button, and I knew, that it was important. … I need to write a post on this experience and on my childhood. Somehow, radionics is able to reconnect you to yourself when you was a child.


    1. That was very well written and very true, As children we used a lot of the left hemisphere of our brains, which deals with creativity, and some say is the part connected to the creator or God, but as we grown up, we are told to ignore the left-brain, and focus on the right-brain, the part all about facts and figures, linear thinking, not believing anything not verifiable by the five senses. but relying too much on it, separates you from the creator, IMO radionics, brings you back in touch with you’re left brain or God


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