GOD, Radionics, and Quantum Physics

There are often times disagreements among people in the scientific community when they talk of sub-atomic energy, people who are spiritual, speak of GOD, and people in radionics speak about “scalar energy”. When you get right down to the common denominator, the “nuts, and bolts”, they are all talking about the same thing.

In radionics we know from using our instruments, that radionics works, regardless of distance, space, or time. You can broadcast to someone radionicly just as well if they are on the other side of the planet, or anywhere on the planet, or beyond as if they are next door, we do this with “scalar waves” “Eloptic Energy”, tapping into the Etheric Realm. Dr. Galen T. Hieronymus was even able to monitor astronauts, while they were on the dark side of the moon, and were unable to be tracked or monitored with normal radio, or video equipment, https://radionicsspectrocom.wordpress.com/2017/03/20/hieronymus-monitors-astronauts-in-orbit-around-moon/ also when you turn the radionic instrument on, the subject receives the broadcast instantaneously, it might take a while for it to do what its supposed to do, but the “information” sent by the radionic instrument is instantaneous.

Spiritually they say GOD is everywhere, at the same time, “GOD is all there was, is and ever will be”, ‘With GOD all things are possible”

In quantum physics they say that “Everything is energy” , “Energy can’t be created or destroyed, only changed”. What are we doing with our radionic energy…changing energy, what are spiritual people doing with prayer…changing energy, the medicine men, shamans, have been changing energy since before recorded time. I have heard radionics referred to as “Instrumented Prayer”. Scientests speak of “non-locality” or what Albert Enstien called ” spooky action at a distance”, he even tried to dis-prove the non-locality theory, because it went against everything mainstream science thought they knew, they thought the speed of light was the fastest thing in the universes, and that an object is only affected by something in its immediate surroundings, Non-Locality describes the apparent ability of objects to instantaneously know about each other’s state, even when separated by large distances. Using this definition in Radionics, illustrates how we can use a witness, be it a photograph, blood spot, hair clipping, etc. and it is instantly connected to the subject, the witness was obtained from, regardless of where they happen to be. Cleve Baxter also proved this in his many experiments, in his book “The Secret Life of Plants” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2ezqEAG_vA

John Bell proved the theory of non-locality in 1964, with his now-famous experiment “Bell’s Theorem” in which he took a pair of widely separated physical objects, that had become “entangled” and analyzed them at a distance, from his observations, he was able to prove that the objects were still connected regardless of distance apart.

The late Tom Bearden gave some very good talks on this subject, here is a video of him doing just that, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F9E6AANBpI .

The scientests, the spirituial people, and us radionic guys are all speaking basicaly the same langauge, we use different terms, and jargon, but we are all working with the same energy.

3 thoughts on “GOD, Radionics, and Quantum Physics

  1. George Vithoulkas, a researcher in homeopathy, wrote his essay:

    “Until now we knew that there were basically five areas of activity of the human mind, and individuals could specialize in one of them:

    the scientific
    the artistic
    the philosophical
    the religious
    the mystical, transcendental

    Our hope is that enough individuals are realizing and unifying within themselves all these qualities of the human potentials.”

    He was talking about a critical mass:
    “Our hope as a planet will be that a sufficient number of evolved individuals attain a high degree of consciousness, so high as to reach the critical point that will be needed to cause a total transformation, a radical change, a quantum jump in the general consciousness, and as a consequence form a planetary hyper consciousness that will transcend totally the present situation.”

    These people will transcend with their consciousness the “the core of our dark planetary subconscious” which is formed by secret services, mafias, super rich and the undergound world. Eventually this will lead to a global transformation.

    His thoughts are interesting, because they are indeed related in some form to radionics and the community of practitioners.

    But this thoughts seems not to be his owns. When Jesus was still on earth his focus of his preaching campaign was on the Kingdom of God, to pray that his will will be done in heavens AND on earth. We can observe a huge resistance against this one goal. Can you imagine that in heaven the angels of God laugh and say:”Resistance if futile!” ??? Just read Psalm chapter 2, there everything is explained about the futile resistance.

    A blog post from hydrogen2oxygen.net said about Nikola Tesla:
    Nikola Tesla’s success was based on his family which put a lot of importance in reading the Bible as a fundamental base for understanding everything, including the science of nature. …
    By accepting the content of the Bible as the truth, the scientific world view changes also dramatically. The materialistic concept is then absolutely abandoned and consciousness is regarded as the “precondition of being“, as the prima materia, the fabric of space and time.


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